PT-141 10 mg — libido peptide in spray form
PT-141 spray is a substance that allows for the enhancement of sexual experiences not only in men but also in women. PT-141 is a fragment of Melanotan 2 (a peptide used for tanning) that activates melanocortin receptors MC1R and MC4R. According to research, PT-141 effectively increases libido without causing side effects. Therefore, this substance is considered an effective solution for individuals dealing with sexual problems. The convenient aerosol form allows for easy administration of the peptide without the need for injections.
What is PT-141 peptide in spray form, and how does it work?
PT-141 to substancja, która zdobywa coraz większą popularność wśród osób zmagających się z zaburzeniami seksualnymi. Jest syntetycznym analogiem melanotanu II, który działa jako agonista receptora melanocortyny. Melanocortyny to rodzina peptydów, które wpływają na wiele procesów fizjologicznych, w tym na barwienie skóry, procesy odpornościowe i hormonalne.
Peptyd działa poprzez stymulację receptorów melanocortyny w mózgu, co prowadzi do zwiększonej produkcji dopaminy i innych neuroprzekaźników. Działanie to wpływa też na pobudzenie seksualne. Z tego powodu peptyd jest czasami stosowany jako lek na zaburzenia seksualne u kobiet i mężczyzn, takie jak zaburzenia erekcji i brak popędu seksualnego.
PT-141 został opracowany jako lek na zaburzenia erekcji, ale jego działanie jest bardziej złożone i obejmuje również zwiększenie popędu seksualnego u kobiet. Lek jest podawany w postaci wstrzyknięć lub jako sprej donosowo.
What are the benefits?
- Increases libido and sexual desire,
- Enhances sexual satisfaction,
- Activates the oxytocin system,
- Works for both genders,
- Used in the treatment of libido problems.
How to use?
Nasally/subcutaneous injection. As needed, a dose ranging from 200 mcg to 2 mg 45-30 minutes before sexual activity. Detailed dosage information can be found here.
The SPRAY version includes:
- Peptide lyophilizate,
- High-quality 10 ml atomizer,
- Specialized water 10 ml,
- Syringe and needle for drawing and diluting the peptide.
Peptide in spray form for treating libido disorders
There is no doubt that the peptide is an effective way to combat libido and erectile disorders. Even a single dose shows strong sexual enhancement effects. However, it is essential to remember that libido is a complex element of our bodies, and its reduction can result from not only hormonal problems but also emotional feelings, stress, or fatigue.
In today’s fast-paced world, the rush of responsibilities and chronic stress effectively limits our sexual possibilities. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of PT-141, which allows us to unlock our desires, eliminate stress-inducing feelings, and stimulate the desire for intimacy. By using this peptide, we can restore our sexual life and give it new colors!
All properties mentioned above are observed in laboratory tests, not done on humans, and are for informational purposes only. All information contained in the descriptions is not approved by GIS, GIF or EFSA. The substance is not a medicine, food product or dietary supplement and is not suitable for human consumption. The product qualifies as a chemical reagent/reference material authorised for marketing in the EU. It can only be used for scientific research. Other information about the product is contained in the safety data sheet of the chemical, which we make available for inspection. Products are only available to institutions or individuals who are associated with research or laboratory activities.
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