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S4 Andarine 25 mg 60 capsules



S4 Andarine in capsules

S4 Andarine in capsules, also known as Andarine, is a type of selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). Unlike anabolic steroids, SARMs are designed to selectively act on androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, minimizing unwanted effects in other parts of the body. The action of SARM S4 allows for significant gains in muscle mass by intensifying anabolic changes in the body. Check out its special properties that will help develop your physique.


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All of the above-mentioned properties are observed in laboratory tests, not performed on humans, and are for informational purposes only. All information contained in the descriptions has not been approved by GIS, GIF or EFSA. The substance is not a medicine, food product or dietary supplement, and as a consequence it is not suitable for human consumption. The product qualifies as a chemical reagent / reference material permitted for marketing in the EU. It can only be used for scientific research. Other information about the product is included in the chemical safety data sheet, which we provide for review. The products are available only to institutions or individuals who have been associated with research or laboratory activities.

How does SARM S4 Andarine work?

S4 Andarine works by binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, stimulating anabolic activity. This action leads to increased protein synthesis, which promotes muscle growth and improved bone density. Additionally, S4 Andarine helps reduce fat by increasing fatty acid oxidation. This dual action, both building muscle and reducing fat, makes it a versatile agent for periods of muscle building, but also fat loss.

Benefits of using S4 Andarine

  • Muscle Growth: One of the main reasons athletes and bodybuilders reach for S4 Andarine is its ability to promote lean muscle mass. By stimulating androgen receptors, S4 increases protein synthesis, which leads to significant muscle growth over time.
  • Fat Loss: S4 Andarine is also known for its fat burning properties. It increases the body’s metabolism, helping to oxidize stored fat, resulting in a leaner physique.
  • Increased Strength: S4 Andarine users often report noticeable increases in strength, which can improve performance in the gym and overall athletic ability.
  • Improved Bone Density: By targeting androgen receptors in the bones, S4 Andarine helps increase bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Increased Endurance: S4 Andarine can improve endurance levels, allowing users to perform more intense workouts and recover faster between sessions.

S4 Andarine Dosage

Initial Dosage: Beginners are advised to start with a low dose of 25 mg per day to assess tolerance to the supplement. Later doses of 50-75 mg per day are used. A typical cycle for S4 Andarine lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.

What to combine Andarine S4 with?

  • Ostarine (MK-2866): Ostarine is one of the safest and most popular SARMs. Stacking Ostarine with Andarine S4 can provide synergistic effects in building muscle mass while also helping to reduce fat. Ostarine aids in muscle recovery and increases endurance, which can significantly improve training results.
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033): Ligandrol is known for its powerful ability to build muscle mass. When stacked with Andarine S4, it can provide rapid muscle gains and significant strength gains. However, Ligandrol is more anabolic, which can lead to a greater risk of suppressing natural testosterone production, so proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) is necessary.
  • Rad-140 (Testolone): Rad-140 is considered one of the most powerful SARMs, characterized by a strong anabolic effect. Stacking Andarine S4 with Rad-140 can lead to significant increases in muscle mass and improved strength. Due to its power, Rad-140 is highly recommended for advanced users.
  • YK-11: is a unique SARM that also acts as a myostatin inhibitor, which can lead to unlimited muscle growth. The combination of YK-11 with Andarine S4 can produce exceptional results in terms of building muscle mass, especially for those who have difficulty with natural muscle gain.


S4 Andarine in capsules offers an option for people who want to increase muscle mass, burn fat and improve their sports condition. The SARM has a versatile effect on the body of a training person, which means that its action can be used in many stages of building form. Effective dosage starts from 50 mg per day, which allows you to see quick visual effects. It is usually combined with other SARMs such as Ostarine or Ligandrol.