What yohimbine do you recommend? This question appears quite often on Internet forums. Reducing excess body fat is often a priority for many people when training. Unfortunately, the fat burning process is not always simple. In such cases, dietary supplements such as yohimbine may help, which support weight loss. Yohimbine is a substance obtained from African yohimbe and has gained great popularity both in Poland and around the world. We would like to show you how these types of products work, when it is worth considering their use and in what situations they may be particularly effective.
What is yohimbine – description
Pausinystalia yohimbe, known as yohimbe, is a tree native to Africa. The bark and leaves of this tree contain a substance that was called a new natural aphrodisiac several decades ago. We are talking here about yohimbine, which affects the functioning of the sympathetic system by blocking specific receptors. As a result, there is an increased secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels and stimulation of the nervous system. Currently, yohimbine is most often found in the form of hydrochloride, referred to as yohimbine HCL. It is a specially purified form, free of additional ingredients that may cause side effects.
In what cases is it worth using products containing yohimbine?
Suplementy z johimbiną znajdują zastosowanie głównie wśród sportowców oraz osób dążących do redukcji tkanki tłuszczowej. Przeczytaj, kogo szczególnie może zainteresować substancja pozyskiwana z johimby i jakie inne korzyści może przynieść.
Fat burning
Among natural fat burners, yohimbine enjoys extremely positive opinions. Studies have shown promising effects of yohimbine supplementation. People who used this supplement regularly tended to lose weight faster than other study participants. Particularly noticeable benefits came from the reduction of stubborn fat. The mechanism of action of yohimbine on adipose tissue is to block alpha-2-adrenergic receptors, which are located in areas with increased adipose tissue content, such as the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. These receptors inhibit the lipolysis process and contribute to the formation of hard-to-reach fat. By blocking these receptors, it becomes possible to oxidize and burn fat cells. In addition, yohimbine activates beta-2 receptors, which additionally supports the fat burning process. It is worth adding that yohimbe extract can also help control appetite while increasing the availability of energy for training.
Treatment of erection problems
Let’s also not forget that yohimbine was originally indicated as an innovative supplement supporting potency. In men, it has a positive effect on increasing libido and supporting sexual health. Due to its ability to increase the secretion of adrenaline and dilate blood vessels, it may have a beneficial effect on the quality of erections in men. However, it is worth remembering that erectile dysfunction may have various causes, so if you want to improve the quality of your sex life, we recommend consulting an appropriate specialist.
What yohimbine do you recommend and what is worth buying?
We recommend yohimbine from Endogenic. In our store you have available versions in drops and capsules.

Is yohimbine harmful?
Supplements containing exotic ingredients sometimes raise concerns about their safety. Fortunately, the use of yohimbine, which has been the subject of research for recent decades, is not associated with serious health side effects. Like many other stimulant supplements, yohimbine may cause mild side effects related to its stimulant effects. Therefore, it is worth remembering that these supplements should only be used by healthy people. If you are unsure whether yohimbine is right for you, it is always worth consulting your doctor. The most important contraindications to the use of yohimbine are heart disease, hypertension, hormonal disorders and mental problems.
What yohimbine hcl do you recommend – summary
- Yohimbine HCL capsules and liquid are the two most commonly recommended options.
- Yohimbine allows you to get rid of stubborn fat tissue.
- The dietary supplement also has an aphrodisiac effect and improves sexual functions.